OmniTI Welcomes New Clients, US Airways and Lookbooks Media

We're happy to extend a warm welcome new clients, US Airways and Lookbooks Media. We're looking forward to working with them and to a great relationship ongoing.

USAir, US Airways, along with US Airways Shuttle and US Airways Express, operates more than 3,000 flights per day and serves more than 200 communities in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Europe, the Middle East, the Caribbean, Central and South America. OmniTI is providing support for their email infrastructure, allowing the company to seemlessly send millions of confirmation and notification emails to its customers.

Lookbooks Media, Inc. is an innovative technology company providing integrated digital marketing solutions to the world’s leading fashion, beauty, photography, design and fine art clients. OmniTI is helping them with their platform, which seamlessly incorporates digital marketing tools, sales management and portfolio management.