OmniTI Welcomes the Wikimedia Foundation As a New Client

We're pleased to welcome the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. - the organization behind Wikipedia - as a client this month. We're working with them to develop a new, Article Feedback Tool that is, in their words, ". . .an 'on-ramp' to engage readers to contribute to Wikipedia - and become editors over time."

Wikimedia's overall goals are to measure quality and provide meaningful feedback about articles to the editing community, as well as to provide a gateway to editing. Wikimedia intends to experiment with new formats, alongside the existing article feedback tool, gather data and iterate from there. They invite the Wikipedia community to participate in this effort. Over time, they hope to engage readers for more participation on Wikipedia, giving editors new tools to improve article quality, and invite collaboration between editors and readers. You can read more about this project at MediaWiki.

Leon Fayer, Vice President, Business Development for OmniTI said,

"Wikipedia is one of the most visited sites in the world, serving tens of millions of articles to thousands of users per day worldwide, and we are excited to work with them to enhance the interaction between users and editors, and to improve the quality of the content as well as user experience."