On July 22nd in sunny San Jose, California we had the privilege of showing off our latest project: Reconnoiter. Reconnoiter is a new Open Source monitoring systems that provides trending and fault-detection on computing infrastructure that is highly distributed and heterogeneous. Reconnoiter’s goal is to provide the feature set of several common products in a simple, consistent and easy-to-manage system that removes the pain and suffering from day-to-day systems management.
For the last twelve years, the operations team at OmniTI has been managing large-scale Internet architectures that support hundreds of millions of users. We rely on integrating business-centric customer data with the data typically observed from their systems. This provides a holistic view of an architecture that enables business success.
According to Gartner, monitoring large-scale business data in real time can be a costly expense to the tune of $300,000 to $500,000 for software, with an additional 20% cost for maintenance. On top of that, the closer organizations get to real time monitoring, the more they have to upgrade their infrastructure and change business processes in order to use that data effectively. Many organizations can’t afford an implementation of that size.
Theo Schlossnagle, our CEO, says:
The open source community has responded by developing a number of tools doing different network monitoring tasks. However, they fall short in translating their monitoring and trending into business sense and this is where Reconnoiter shines. Not only do we save organizations from paying the painful price of installing and integrating multiple tools on one system, but we’re able help our clients better leverage the Internet to add value to their businesses.
You can watch a video of the OSCON presentation.
As with all open source products, the greatness of the product is built on a platform of empowered users. We encourage everyone to take part in both the use of this product as well as the ongoing development.